Thursday, December 2, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 17

first, from the Batman collection of crazy shit on the internet: "Coming Soon..."

I like the build up, but the plot seems a little lame.

second up, a lol that needs no explanation...well, actually: "WTF"

As you can see, being tech savvy has it's advantages.

Nest up, Mapquest knows when you try and troll it: "Art of Trolling"

The AI has a troll save of +5

Finally, from the photobomb world, the funniest fat black kid ever: "Cutest Couple?"

Crazy white people and their constant need to photo things!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 16

first, from, for our friends of the airlines: "TSAnta Clause"

I want it so badz! This is a great humor shirt, and I think I need one for when I go someplace for Christmas!

nest up, from my favorite place on the web, "Ice Sculpture of the Day"

CYBERTRON CRYSTALS!!! This is one of the most epic and detailed ice sculptures I've ever seen! I want to see more like it!

Third, from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: "The Stork is a Lie"

I expect my mom to do this to me someday...

Finally, from, for those of you who plan on doing something insanely romantic: "6 Romantic Movie Gestures Than Can Land You in Jail"

I personally think 4 is the creepiest, but we all know that #1 is #1 for a reason. Thank you Meg Ryan for being Tom Cruise Crazy before Tom Cruise went crazy...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 15

first up, from "Fishy Poster"

I like it, it's funny to me

Second, from the "Print Series of the day"


Third, and last, for today, from "12 things you wish youd never seen under a microscope"

My eyes...MY EYES!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 14

First up, from, an American icon: "Thanksgiving Day Blues"

Isn't it just the normal American thing to bitch that we are too full, then when we're empty again, bitch that we're upset that we didn't eat enough.

Next up, from, a true SIGN of the times: "Sign of the Day"

Because it wasn't good enough, now we're constructing days? I know that we're trying to "build a better society one day at a time", but this is ridiculous!

Up Third, from, a post-turkey day turkey: "Bagpiped"

I can see why Scots stayed in Scotland, when you've got something that is both funny and edible, there's no reason to take over the rest of the world!

Finally, from, a true Black Friday epiphany: "6 secret monopolies you didn't know run the world"

Pretty interesting stuff here, and I personally, will never look at Disney the same way again!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 13

first up, from, the best shirt to come out of the HP theme: "Coed Naked Quidditch"

I thought it was pretty cool, might even order one. It's a sham though, that these kind of clothes will be done with by August of next year...oh well, Harry Potter Day comes but once a year

Next up, from yesterday, but still a good one, from "Alternate Movie Posters of the Day"

BEST RECREATION EVER!!!! To whichever amazing nerd took the time to makes these, God bless you!

Third, from, the best thing ever: "Shouldn't,,,Be...Laughing"


Finally, for the Holiday: "Blind Luck"


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 12

First up, from via "Trademark your face for facebook"

It's an interesting concept and actually has some precedent in the past of trademarks and patents. I really like the article, because it looks at it from bother the humorous and the serious.

Next up, from "Challenge Accepted"

I want to do it! Nuff Said!

Thirdly, from, a creepy dad and his baby: "Family Shots"

I seriously feel that this is photoshop'd but at the same time, i feel creepy bastards also have the power to reproduce. I love the crazy bitch that married him and birthed the odd spawn in the photo. keep up the good work bomber!

Finally, from the best smart comic out there, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: "POW!"

As an economics minion, I mean minor, I laughed so hard I shed a tear! This was an epic comic that made today even more epic than it already was before I got home from seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Daily Collective - Day 11

First, from, and the obvious sarcasm implied: "Looks Legit of the Day"

Nothing would want me to be more prepared with a gun than this guy staring at me with a half-pedo smile look. Just for all you in Legion, I'd say post the number listed below the picture, but I'm sure the legitimacy of the number is also as legitimate as the program.

Next up, from, an epic title for an epic article, and mildly nostalgic: "6 Things Clarissa Didn't Explain at All"

Each one of these are legitimate. I barely know any girls that play video games, so to know one that was programming for free is completely unlikely. Then the pot situation seems true too. Clarissa was always calm, the dad was always "Groovy", and no one ever seemed to fight except when Ferguson's coke and Clarissa's pot butted heads. And, I completely agree, what the H311 was up with the talking cat?

I apologize for all the reading this post, but the third piece is from, and it's an amazing article: "5 Creepy Ways Humans Are Plunging Into the Uncanny Valley"

The first three are only mildly disturbing, but the last two make me seriously paranoid about the future. I get that people have sexual needs and women aren't the most likely candidates to say yes, so that's fine, and the alterations and expenses of wanting to be an asian cartoon character are fine too. It's the odd "dead" covers on mags and the CGI humans tend to creep me out anyways.

Lastly, a cute little blop to end the post, from "I'm with Red"

Understandably, this guy is probably 15/ 16 and curious about the habits of women (granted it goes on for another 50 years, but he's trying to get a head start). I think Red has a point, but yellow has an even greater point. I'd like someone to speak articulately enough so that I can understand what it is they are trying to say, but at the same time, getting out of the house is a positive too.